Monday 16 May 2016


The notorious Eastern Bypass has become synonymous with freak accidents that mostly result in the most grisly deaths. And yesterday,the situation wasn't any different.
At around 9.30pm,there was a drunk driver carelessly driving a huge TATA lorry registration number KCG 624Q. He was drunk as an Irish cat. And was driving like a maniac,swerving from side to side,hooting aimlessly,with a maddening speed and scaring off other motorists from the road.
He was leaving Mombasa Road driving towards Thika Road... But the madness ended pretty fast. And claimed four lives - belonging to the same family - at the spot.
As he drove on carelessly,it all came to an end at around the Kamakis meat Centre,just near the Thika Road flyover.
Drunk and half-asleep,the man blasted his way into a Toyota 110 car registration number KAM 372F that was right infront of him causing such a huge blast,the loud bang was heard from as far as some place near Ruai.
The small car flew into the air,rolled in the air,bodies flying allover the place before it then nose-dived into a ditch right next to the road. It fell hard,bodies trapped and with blood splattered allover it.
The windscreen crashed into pieces. The windows were reduced into smithereens,the doors were broken into parts,the seat belts snapped and cut into two,the chairs were pressed into a ball of cushion and blood painted the car red.
The Lorry driver attempted the stop quickly before his lorry took a sudden detour,veering off the road and driving down the ditch too. The drunk driver was unhurt.
Quickly coming to his senses,the bastard opened the Lorry door and hopped out,hoping to escape. Too late. A crowd had already formed.
Massive traffic started building up. More and more cars were now being parked by the side of the road. Activities came to a standstill. People from the Kamakis area,left the restaurants and their meat on the table to come spectate.
And then the driver was given the beating of the Year. A decision was arrived at quickly ; the Lorry Driver sound be burnt to death. We all supported the idea. I couldn't stop smacking the hell out of him.
Before long,he lay on the ground. Beaten up badly. Swollen allover the face,bloody and scared. His hands covering his head,coiled into a huge ball of pain. Crying and begging for mercy. But still,very drunk.
The crowd grew bigger. And bigger.
Bodies were pulled out of the smashed Toyota. A little girl,probably around 10 years old,would be found stuck in the back seat.
Using torches and light from their mobile phones,the crowd pulled the girl out. Her neck had been badly slashed. Her head was hanging on the side. Her face was terribly bloodied. She was dead and warm.
The clamor to burn the Lorry Driver to death grew even more stronger. But then the police came,with loud sirens and bright dazzling flashlights. And order started to seep in


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