Wednesday 18 May 2016


Here are some questions to ask yourself when assessing your passion or lack thereof for your job:
1. Do you take on more or less responsibility than what you should?
2. Do you get on with all your colleagues? Are any of them energy thieves?
3. Does it stem from a personal matter outside of work?
4. Is it the work itself?
5. Do you feel appreciated?
6. Is your salary the root of the problem?
7. Is your boss or manager getting you down?
8. Has something changed at work that no longer meets your value system?
If you answer yes to most of these-here are 8 ways to bring back the passion for your position:
Avoid Routine
Routine and boredom are related, avoid them by trying something new e.g. schedule the time you perform your tasks differently; take your lunch outside the building instead of sitting at the canteen everyday; strike a conversation with someone new; park in a different area of the parking lot.
Get back to basics
Re-asses your strengths (talents, skills, passion that fulfill your purpose).
What are your core values? (what you live by.) Find out your purpose-sounds cliché but without knowing this you will always feel like something is “missing”-however great your job may be. Your life purpose is essentially the reason that you feel you are here. What is the purpose behind your being alive?
Ask "What should I do with my life?"
At some point you may have asked “What should I do with my life?” Most people, find this difficult to answer. Click here for some suggestions from people who have successfully answered this question and are now living the lives of their dreams. Be inspired to discover the impact you are meant to have on the world!
Discovering your life purpose can help you to move with greater focus and clarity every day of your life. In these challenging times, developing and refining your life purpose can make it much easier for you to re-ignite the fire in you.
Reassess your career
Focus on your needs – what do you need that you are not getting at work? Perhaps more of a challenge?Recognition for the work you do? More variety? More money? Write down a list of what aspects of your job need to change for you to find the passion at work again.
Change something now
Boredom is fed by procrastination. Focus on what you CAN change at work easily and do it TODAY. Each improvement will help you feel empowered and more motivated e.g. if you want more variety in your role then find other areas at work that you could participate in and contribute to. If you want to build better working relationships with the new HR manager ask her/him to join you after lunch. Remember: “The only constant in life is change”.
Take Responsibility
It is up to you to step up to the plate, take responsibility & overcome your discontent. Whatever the reason behind your loss of passion for your job, it is only you that can work on improving your situation. So if you honestly feel that you cannot improve your job satisfaction by staying in this current job – find a new JOB! If a specific colleague/manager is really affecting the passion for your job speak to HR about it and ask them for advice on how to handle this person.
Reward yourself
Be your best cheerleader. Give yourself a pat on the back for tackling that difficult project & treat yourself to something that you deserve. We often forget to spoil ourselves when others forget or don’t. Celebrating the small stuff will help you see what is going right for you.
Learn something new
Learning something new can re-ignite the flame of motivation and inspiration, it also adds value to you as an employee. You could sign up for a course in the Enneagram Personality Types (to learn more about why you and others react to specific situations the way you do); listen to an audio book on leadership or teamwork; browse industry relevant blogs for new ideas or information. At all times increase and build your knowledge base.


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