Friday 22 April 2016


CORD leader Raila Odinga was highly received in Meru by the Council of Governor Chairman and Meru Governor Peter Munya on Friday,April, 22.

The opposition chief is said to have been invited by the governors to preside over the official closure of the third annual devolution conference whose aim is usually to discus gains,progress and challenges facing devolution.

This comes after several governors took a swipe at Uhuru Kenyatta for lecturing them on corruption yet he had failed to tackle the same menace in his administration.

Uhuru Kenyatta failed to attend the even instead sending Devolution Cabinet Secretary Mwangi Kiunjuri to represent him.
Pundits hold that governors were angered by Uhuru’s failure to attend the function thus opting to invite Raila Odinga- the government’s fiercest critic.


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