Monday 16 May 2016


Nairobi - Deputy president Wiliam Ruto will regret supporting President Uhuru Kenyatta, a member of parliament has said.
Kuresoi south MP Zakayo Cheruiyot said that 2022 will be the year of political regrets for DP Ruto when the mountain Kenya region will dump him like a hot potato.
He said that the mountain Kenya region will not support Ruto in 2022 and that they are grooming one of their own to take over the mantles of leadership after President Kenyatta vacates office in 2022.
Speaking Monday in Kuresoi town, Cheruiyot said that Ruto will be left on his own because the Mount Kenya region will have their presidential candidate in 2022.
“I feel pity for the deputy president because am seeing him dumped in 2022 like a hot potato. The people from the mountain will not support him and that will come to pass,” said Cheruiyot.
“He needs to open his eyes and see what is awaiting him in 2022 because it will be a big political shock that will leave him politically paralyzed,” he added.


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