Tuesday 21 June 2016


I’m not one to judge and whatever floats
your boat is determined by you, but i’ve
always dated guys who were older than
me. I’m very confident, secure, active in
things that interest me and really have
no time to expend on drama in a
relationship or with people in general.
You know, getting into arguments about
silly things like “you did not answer my
call at the first ring.” (Excuse me maybe
I was in the shower, should I be on
standby just waiting for you to call).
I don’t go through a man’s phone; I do
not try to win him over if some other girl
is pursuing him. I don’t get riled up if we
are out and he stares at another girl not
because she’s way hotter than me but
because he wants to provoke me into a
jealous state. The kind of man I gel well
with is usually much more accomplished
than I am, very busy with his own set of
businesses and interests and secure in
who he is.
This kind of man, more often than not, is
older than me. Never in my entire life
have I envisioned or even wished to be a
cougar, but lo and behold…I think it is
my new fate. This state has been
unceremoniously thrust into my lap. I
announced my age to the world the
other day. But I have a little problem; I
don’t seem to be growing old. I’m not
bragging, it’s the weirdest thing ever and
everyone I meet and tells my REAL age
goes into an hour long conversation of
how that could not be true…..apparently
I am very immature and my body does
not show signs of aging.
I just had a conversation about this
today and about a month ago I went to a
get together with my girlfriends who
invited their girlfriends. Two hours later
this striking Russian girl I just had a
conversation about this today and about
a month ago I went to a get together with
my girlfriends who invited their
girlfriends. Two hours later this striking
Russian girl tells me she is sad because
she had a bad break up and thinks she
will never find love again. Speaking
from experience I told her she was very
young and beautiful and there was no
way she could not find love again. I
continued and told her,”By the time you
are my age, breakups lose their sting
and one is able to get over someone very
quickly.” This is what led to me revealing
how really old I was and she got REALLY
mad and thought I was lying because the
whole time we were talking, she assumed
I was 26.
You would think that this not aging thing
is actually good and perhaps I’m just
bragging, no! It has brought with it a big
problem. In the past 3 years I’ve noticed
the men who actually approach me are
very young men

You know , getting into arguments about silly
things like “ you did not answer my call at
the first ring . ” ( Excuse me maybe I was in
the shower , should I be on standby just waiting
for you to call)
Read more : 6 Perks of Singleness
I don ’ t go through a man ’ s phone ; I do not try to
win him over if some other girl is pursuing him .
I don ’ t get riled up if we are out and he stares
at another girl not because she’ s way hotter
than me but because he wants to provoke me
into a jealous state . The kind of man I gel well
with is usually much more accomplished than I
am, very busy with his own set of businesses
and interests and secure in who he is .
This kind of man , more often than not , is older
than me . Never in my entire life have I
envisioned or even wished to be a cougar, but lo
and behold… I think it is my new fate . This state
has been unceremoniously thrust into my lap. I
announced my age to the world the other day.
But I have a little problem ; I don’ t seem to be
growing old. I’ m not bragging, it’ s the weirdest
thing ever and everyone I meet and tells my
REAL age goes into an hour long conversation
of how that could not be true … . . apparently I am
very immature and my body does not show
signs of aging.
I just had a conversation about this today and
about a month ago I went to a get together with
my girlfriends who invited their girlfriends . Two
hours later this striking Russian girl tells me she
is sad because she had a bad break up and
thinks she will never find love again. Speaking
from experience I told her she was very young
and beautiful and there was no way she could
not find love again. I continued and told her , ” By
the time you are my age, breakups lose their
sting and one is able to get over someone very
quickly . ” This is what led to me revealing how
really old I was and she got REALLY mad and
thought I was lying because the whole time we
were talking , she assumed I was 26 .


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