Tuesday 21 June 2016


Last Sunday Kenyans were shocked by
allegations that undisputable dancehall singer
Duflan was reportedly thrown out of his house
due to three months’ in Hunters, Kasarani.
“His hit song is played everywhere, from
brothels, matatus among other places. If MCK
was honest and credible this guy could be
making money from airplay alone,” the person
alleging the rumours said.
Although Dufla’s phone has been off owing to
the fact that he has been busy recording a
number of songs in the night at Grandpa and
sleeps during the day - SDE managed to get
hold of him and this is what he had to say
about the issue at hand.
“I too saw the post but was least bothered to
respond because by now I am well aware that
there are a section of people who will never
say anything positive about you besides trying
to tarnish your name through bad press as
long as you are doing well. Despite this I want
to assure them that they have failed,” says
He further explained that although he has
been living a simple life in Kasarani for a while
now, he moved out to a better and posh house
along Thika Road in April.
“During my stay in Kasarani I paid the sum of
Sh 15,000 something that I can pay in advance
owing to the fact that I get a number of show
across the country with my lowest charge per
show being Sh60,000”.

On his part Grandpa’s CEO Refigah rubbished
the claims as a passing cloud and a ploy for a
section of their rivals to ride on negative
“Who in Nairobi would let you live in their
house without paying rent for three months-
more so knowing too well that you are a
public figure who is doing well?” Possed
He added that contrary to the misleading
reports Dufla is one person who is financially
stable and is destined for bigger things in the
Dufla who has two upcoming shows in
Naivasha and Nakuru in two weeks’ time says
he is currently busy working on a number of
projects besides having finished recording his
new song dancehall song Viringisha.
“If my haters must know – I am living large,”
he concluded.


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