Friday 24 June 2016


Walk with me……87.4% of Kenyans are literate, by our peculiar standards that
means intelligent, right? It means majority of us have the capacity for
critical thinking, to ask the important question. The right questions, yes?
In our very recent past, we Kenyans have been gravely insulted, again and
we are letting it slide, again! Select leaders, elected or democratically
imposed, took to the stage in various parts of the country to denounce
their political adversaries in public. Granted mudslinging is an
unfortunate part of politics, but when it borders on bullying other rightful citizens on basis of their ethnicity, calling on one’s ‘people’ to
prepare to rid themselves of the’ enemy’,
carelessly throwing words like
‘assassination’ around in an already politically charged environment,
that’s fattening the masses for slaughter! Government in turn, reins in
swiftly to avoid a repeat of recent violence, yet in their action lies
deception. The culprits are arrested, charged, the scales of justice tip
against them & what happens, behind closed doors they strike deals for
their release in the name of preaching peace with veils of ‘hefty’ fines
thrown over our frustrated faces! Justice
adulterated! After all, we all know what would happen if any other mere
mortal lacking such political clout attempted such suicidal utterances!
What is it, hate speech, period. It’s reckless, stupid, juvenile & quite
honestly criminal. A proven way of obliterating the ’enemy’, in a land
where the servants yield power & suffer no consequence, for they are
servants elected by us. It’s selfish, the political class advancing their
agendas by the suffering of the people ,it’s a price even the affluent
can’t afford, bleeding for greed; dying for a breed that cares less for our
wellbeing ;quite simply it’s asinine.
Now we get to the Pangani 6, our recent
hatemongers. Apparently after 48hrs
or so in the coolers they found redemption, saw the light. According to
their defense, they saw the errors of their ways, are apologetic and
willing to redeem themselves before the state and the public. We were
treated to a show of forgiving in the courts so treacherous it would easily
put Brutus stabbing of Julius Caesar to shame.
Now we are made to
understand after a few nights with cell lice, they simply changed from
genocide propagators to preaching peace? Please! Truth be told, most of
them never even suffered school detention and all of a sudden they are
faced with a grim reality; prison, with its healthy lice and ‘boot
openers’. A reality we of the ‘chapati chafua’ have come to find common
place courtesy of their power struggles, a reality the ‘bacon and cheese’
class only see glorified in their favorite TV shows, until it hits them!
Such a change of scene from scented silk sheets to infested state rugs will
convert even the coldest atheist.
People, read between the lines. These hypocrites already showed their claws
and the party hasn’t even began [read
campaigns], they are ready to go for
our jugulars, their fangs are showing, these vampires. Ask yourself, when
they set you up against your brother, will they fight with you? When your
mother, sister is being raped in the name of cleansing the land, will they
bear your pain? When your business burns, your neighbors’ life’s work is
turned to ashes,’wewe na watoto wako mtakula kwake?’As their children fly
to shop in Milan, holiday in Paris, where will yours be, dead? When the
carnage, death and your lives are eternally disrupted, what exactly do you
gain? Vanity. Do you honestly think that they will ever shelf their selfish
ambitions in the name of public service?
As they parade themselves in the name of peace, remember they are only
serving their sentence see them for the vipers they are, remember they
never have permanent friends, rather permanent interests and ever delude
yourself you factor as either, you don’t.
This brief interlude from our
great episode that is our political crisis takes me back to our original
notion, are we truly critical thinkers as we pride ourselves of being or
are we a bunch of intellectual fools as society?


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