Tuesday 12 July 2016


The report, Crime Hot Spots , published on the
National Police Service website, has
listed various regions in the county where
most crimes occur and the types of crimes
In Embakasi region, police listed Kayole,
Soweto, Gitari, Kangundo road-railway line
junction, area opposite Jacaranda Estate
and Highridge Teachers’ College playing
According to the law enforcers, most crimes
reported in these Embakasi regions include;
abduction, theft, armed robbery, assault and
they occured between 6pm to 5am and also
in broad daylight.
Lang’ata area was also mentioned with
Kibera, Bombolulu, Migingo, Salama, Karanja
Road, Kiandaa (dark alley), Lindi, Line Saba
and Highrise being the most affected.
The police identified theft, armed robbery
and assault being regularly reported both
during the day and at night.
The research also revealed several hot spot
areas in Makadara region including Jericho,
Mutindwa, Makongeni-Likoni Road Bridge,
Mukuru kwa Njenga, Kiambiu, Katulo Road,
Uhuru junction, Mukuru Fauta bridge, Mukuru
kwa Reuben, Harambee, South B near the
bridge and South C near fly over.
The nature of crimes committed in these
regions were identified as theft, assault,
armed robbery, trading in small arms and
light weapons, sexual gender-based violence,
carjacking and kidnapping which mostly
happened between 6pm-5am.
According to the study, Kamukunji is also
among the top dangerous areas within the
City, with the worst affected areas being
Mlango Kubwa, Majengo, Huruma Grounds,
Eastleigh (Desai Road Section 3 and 7),
Mathare North, Kiamaiko, Ngara near
Railway quarters and Equity Bank, Kasarani.
In these areas, armed robbery, snatching
of car accessories, mugging, luggage
stealing, assault, drug peddling, gender-
based violence, kidnapping and break-ins
were mostly reported especially during the
Also in the report, several areas in Dagoretti
had drug peddling, trading in small arms and
light weapons, theft of motor cycles,
dumping of dead bodies and armed
robbery reported between 6.00pm- 3am and
in the evenings.
The areas included: Kawangware, Kosovo,
Ndunyu, Maumau, Kiana, Waithaka kwa
Ng’ang’a, Kabiria, Mlango soko and Ndwaru


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