Tuesday, 13 September 2016


It’s not true that all men cheat. There are
definitely still good guys out there. Don’t
let your trust issues drive a good man
away …
<img src = "image.jpg" alt = "How to know your man won't cheat,discovering the faithful man in Kenya" title = "HOW TO KNOW YOUR MAN WON'T CHEAT" />

No guarantees
When it comes to life and love, there are
never any guarantees. Anything can
happen at any moment and that’s what
makes things both exciting and
terrifying at the same time.
I know it’s really difficult not to worry
about the man in your life cheating on
you – especially if you’ve been cheated
on before. Trust issues? We all have
them. I say ‘all’ because I have yet to
meet a woman who has never been
cheated on.
The scars that cheating leaves behind are
nasty and they’re deep
I’ve been cheated on – more than once. It
crushed every bit of self-esteem I had
and turned me into an insecure,
obsessive mess for far too long. Literally.
I also became one of those women who
believed that all men will cheat given the
A few years, lots of healing and
happiness later, I have changed my mind
Please note, I have CHANGED my mind –
not lost it. I’m still hugely aware of the
fact that temptation can come knocking
at any time. And, I still think that there
are too many men who will open the
door when they hear that ‘knock’. BUT …
in amongst all those pathetic weaklings
(men who cheat are weak), there are
good men who have no interest in
cheating on the woman in their life.
His past tells you a story
No bad reputation rumours or stories?
Never cheated on any of his exes? He’s
probably a keeper.
Unless you know your man has cheated
on you or anyone else in his past, you
should try to relax and let the trust boat
PS: If he has cheated on you before, why
are you still with him? History WILL
repeat itself. Believe me, I’ve been there,
done that – have the T-shirt, matching
shorts and shoes. Not worth it!
Who’s your daddy?
Look at the man who raised your
partner. If he passed away before you
had the chance to meet, ask about him.
Ask your man, ask his mom – get a good
idea of who the man behind the boy was
all those years ago.
A man who has been raised by a father
who openly showed love, kindness,
loyalty and respect for his mother and
never cheated on her, is a man who has
been shown by example, the correct way
to treat the woman in his life.
Is a good upbringing a guarantee? No.
Like I said earlier, there are no
guarantees. But, if you’ve been with him
for a while and he’s never done
anything to validate your trust issues,
he’s more than likely absorbed his
fathers good qualities and will treat you
the way he knows is right.
Faithful, decent friends
When I started dating my partner, I
remember being so impressed by his
circle of friends. Most were either in
long-term relationships or engaged /
married. Those who were single, truly
wanted to meet a special woman and
settle down.
Unlike my ex and his friends who were
either serial cheaters, divorced, never
wanted to get married or were out,
hopping from one cheap and tacky fling
to the next.
My partner is now my husband. To date,
there has not been one cheating drama
in our group of friends. Every single one
of the women who is married to or
involved with one of his friends, is
happy and content.
Who a man chooses to spend his time
with tells a story. Look and listen closely.
A man with something to hide is not
going to want you anywhere near his
phone or computer. My ex was always
super-beyond shady with his phone.
Why? He was cheating left, right and
Going on what I’ve experienced (my ex
and my husband are like night and day)
if your partner has no problem with you
picking up his phone or needing to use
his computer (for whatever reason) –
chances are really good that he’s an
honest man with no desire for a piece of
pie on the side.
Your presence is important to him and
he is fully into your relationship
Whether you’re married, living together
or dating, a man who has good
intentions makes it patently clear for you
and everyone else to see.
He clearly enjoys spending time with
you, even if it’s at home on the couch.
You will be invited out with him and his
friends and he’s proud and happy to
have you there (obviously not when it’s
not a ‘boys night’ or bulls party – you
can’t live in his pocket).
When there’s a wedding or work
function, you being there is of utmost
importance to him. You feel as though he
wants the world to know that you’re his
I have heard about men who are in a
relationship but as soon as they go out,
even if their girlfriend is there, they
ditch her and wander around the pub /
club acting like they are single and ready
to mingle.
He’s open with you and his actions speak
While no normal woman is going to
want a daily, minute-by-minute run
down, it’s not nice when a man leaves
his woman hanging / wondering about
what’s going on in his life, his heart and
his mind.
Again, going on my personal experience,
a man who is 100% into you and the
relationship he shares with you, finds it
almost effortless to communicate with
you about anything and everything. He
will want you to hear or learn about
things directly from him, not have
something pop up in some public,
random conversation.
For example, if a woman from his past
sends him a text, he not only tells you
about it, he shows you the message as
well as his response. Or, if someone at
work is flirting with him, knowing he
has someone in his life, he cares enough
to let you know what’s happening and
tells you how he’s dealing with it and
might even ask for your advice.
A man who goes the extra mile to make
his woman feel safe and secure in his
love for her, not just by what he says,
but by what he does on a daily basis, is
not someone who’s going to rush out and


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