These are some of the things men want from you but will never tell you:
Men desperately want respect from the woman in their life. If you are in doubt of this, ask your guy and see his response. This is one of the most important things men want from you but will never tell you. So, what does it really mean to give a guy respect? Simply put, it means that you give their thoughts, ideas, actions and feelings merit. It means that you think that he is important and you show it with your actions.
Men like the companionship of the woman they care about. He may want you to come along when you just join him on the couch when he watches his favorite match. The point is, he likes having you around and that is a really great thing. Sure, he needs his guy time but he likes spending time with you too. So take advantage of that fact and find some ways you can spend more time with him.
A pleasant tone of voice
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Men appreciate a pleasant tone of voice with the woman they are in love with just like everyone else. Of course, you won’t have a pleasant tone of voice all the time, but raising your voice to your man frustrates his ego. It is something you can work on. In fact, it is something that we can work on with everyone in our life. People respond much better to one another when they are speaking and hearing a kind tone of voice.
Men like and need encouragement. They like to know that the woman they love is in their corner, cheering them on. Your belief in them is very important. They think that if you believe in them, they can accomplish whatever obstacles they are facing in their life.
We all need a good support network and men are no different. When your guy says he’s going to try and complete a marathon or try to get promoted at work, support his efforts. Let him know that you’re behind him all the way and no matter how farfetched the goal might seem to you, if it’s important to your guy, he wants it to be important to you, too.
Men like to be appreciated and it doesn’t take a lot to express this. A simple ‘thank you’ accompanied by a sweet smile can go far in showing you appreciate whatever it is they are doing for you. Maybe your man took you out for a nice dinner or took care of some maintenance on your car. Whatever it is he is doing for you, appreciating the act will endear you to him. You will probably find that he wants to do more for you when you appreciate his efforts.
Men love their independence. This doesn’t mean that they want to be left alone all of the time, but they do like to be able to do things on their own without having to check in or be made to feel guilty. Remember to give your guy time on his own to hang out with his friends or just have some alone time.
To be desired
Even if you think he knows you want him, show him anyway! Men want to feel desired and when he doesn’t feel wanted by you, it can get to his confidence. Flirt with him; let him know that you’re excited by him and that you feel lucky to be with him!
Thursday, 28 April 2016
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