Here are the three most important ways of achieving a healthy youthful skin.
1. Eat clean
• Minimise intake of toxins. If your body is clean, you can obtain radiant, blemish-free skin.
• Red and green vegetables are rich in beta carotene and Vitamin A. Studies show that eating fresh, deeply coloured vegetables can make your skin look healthier and more youthful.
• Raw nuts such as almonds and walnuts provide Vitamin E which help your skin retain moisture and fight free radicals.
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• Omega 3 and 6 fats found in fish and cod liver oil keep your skin smooth, supple and soft. These fats keep your skin cells strong and full of moisture, thereby decreasing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. If your hands feel rough, or you have cracked heels, you may be deficient in these fats.
• Citrus fruits are full of Vitamin C which contributes to brighter skin and aids in the production of collagen.
• Avoid sugar, fructose, and refined carbohydrates. These foods increase insulin levels and cause inflammation in the body, leading to premature aging.
2. Safe skincare
Most of the toxins we’re exposed to come through our skin. The skin which is the largest organ, is very absorbent. Therefore, we take in chemicals from cleansers, moisturisers, and makeup. Most of us wouldn’t voluntarily eat chemicals, however, we ingest them through the skin. Many of the beauty products we use contain parabens, sulfates, and other toxins.
For clear healthy skin, we need to make sure the body is free of toxins. We can do this by using natural or organic products such as oils and butters. Beautiful skin is possible when we keep toxins out.
3. Manage emotional stress
Research has shown that how you deal with your life experiences has a greater impact on your looks than your genetic makeup. Therefore being able to maintain a positive outlook impacts how you age and how you look. Quality sleep and regular exercise will help you manage stress, and maintain a beautiful complexion
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