Monday 16 May 2016


Opposition supporters on Monday clashed with police officers as they heed their leaders’ call to storm IEBC offices countrywide to force the electoral body’s commissioners out of office.
In Kisii town, police fired several times in the air and engaged the demonstrators in running battles.
The officers' action came barely minutes after Kisii County Governor James Ongwae and Senator Chris Obure had addressed the demonstrators at the county government headquarters.
"The commission cannot be trusted to oversee a free and fair election in the country. We therefore demand that it is disbanded and replaced by a new body," said senator Obure.
Governor Ongwae said that the drive to disband the commission was not an opposition issue but a public one.
"It is time for the government to listen to the voice of the people. We wish to live in peace, but at the same time we must have a commission that represents the wishes and aspirations of the majority of Kenyans," he said.
The demos, which started from Kisii Hotel, turned chaotic when the protestors attempted to force their way into the IEBC offices.
Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Youth Leader Mr Eric Janganya who was one of the demo's leaders said that the party would not relent until the commission is disbanded.
"We will be back next Monday and every other Monday until the commission us disbanded," he said.
Security officers led by County Commander of Administration Police Mr Mohammed Kutsola and Officer Commanding Police Division Francis Kithinji fired several rounds in the air to disperse the protestors.
They engaged the protesting Cord supporters in running battles that raged from the entrance to IEBC offices to Gusii Stadium.
Another group that was dispersed also regrouped at the Daraja Moja Bridge but was quickly dispersed by the police.
However, nor arrests were made.
In Kisumu, two MCAs, an activist and an ODM official are nursing serious injuries after they were allegedly beaten by anti-riot police during the anti-IEBC demos.
Ms Nereah Okombo (Manyatta B) and nominated member Pamela Odhiambo were rushed to hospital following injuries sustained during the protest.
Unknown number of people were also injured during the protest against the IEBC.
The riot which entered its third week, attracted a bigger crowd which split itself in three groups, a change of tact from the previous ones creating a challenge to the authorities.
Ms Okombo sustained head injuries after she was hit by a teargas canister while Ms Odhiambo was roughed up by officers from the Quick Response Team (QRT) wing of the Administration Police.


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