Monday 16 May 2016


Learn about the 5 top positive things you can do your kids would never forget!
#1: family traditions
Kids remember how the family gets together and does something following a good tradition. Such things get carved in the memory. The good thing is you can come up with your own traditions and establish them for your little community at home.
#2: quality time
It’s great to spend time together as a family, but each parent should set aside special time for each kid. That is when you focus all your attention on them. Put away your phone and turn off the TV. Do something you both enjoy and have great time together.
#3: Security
This is one of the top basic needs of children. Parents can make them feeling safe and happy. Do your best to create such an amazing secure environment for your kids and they will carry the memory of it throughout their entire lives.
#4: Praise and criticism
Your words have the power over young souls. So, watch what you say. You may forget the thing, but they would remember it for years. There is a great rule to go by: 80/20. 80 percent of praise balance up 20 percent of criticism.
#5: Parents’ love
If you love each other, you teach your kids the most valuable lesson in life. No use to talk about love, just show them some between you and your spouse!
These things become unforgettable for your kids and stay with them for years as your most valuable heritage.


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