Tuesday 21 June 2016


Here are some of the routines that the
girls that I’ve encountered with great
skin swear by:
1. Always use sunscreen: For the
longest time, I was under the
impression that the darker your
skin tone, the less sunscreen you’ll
need. This was quickly demystified
by one of my friends who swears that
her secret to an even skin tone is
daily use of sunscreen with a high
2. Never sleep with makeup: I was
definitely guilty of this a few years
back because the sweetness of a good
ol’ snooze always won me over. That
was until one of my friends saw doze
off with makeup and gave me a
massive lecture! I probably wouldn’t
have paid her much mind if it wasn’t
for her flawless skin but I always
remove my makeup before bed now.
3. Take vitamins: After reading up on
countless of celebrity
beauty regimens, one thing’s clear: a
good supplement is a must-have ! I
took up cod liver oil given that this
was something my mother forced us
to consume when we were kids – a
ritual that was the norm in most
households growing up. Not only is it
great for your skin but it’s also great
for hair, nails, treating wounds,
increasing cognitive performance
and a lot more!
Cleanse! Cleanse! Cleanse!: It’s so
important to make sure that you take
the appropriate steps to cleanse,
especially if you regularly wear
makeup. Not only will the dirt clog up
your pores but it’s also a headache to
clean off of white sheets! One of my
friends swears by toning every day
using a gentle toner to make sure all
the gunk is out and tighten the skin.
5. Hydrate & Massage: Of course I had
to include a Korean beauty-inspired
tip in here! One of my favourite
bloggers, Chriselle Lim, swears by
massaging her face while
moisturising to help stimulate blood
flow and make sure your skin
absorbs all the moisture (as per her
snapchat). It doesn’t hurt that it
also feels so soothing too!
I obviously have applied these tips to my
beauty regimen over the years and my
skin has definitely cleared up with the
exception of a few pimples once in a
blue moon.


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