Tuesday 21 June 2016


There is nothing
wrong with listening but as a grown woman,
you need to know how to separate the wheat
from chaff.
Using sex as a weapon or reward
There are a lot of ways you can get what you
want from your marriage or relationship but if
you tend to go towards manipulation, you will
hurt yourself in the long run. There is good
manipulation but there is bad manipulation
which makes the other person feel
shortchanged. Bad manipulation is the reason
we have the sponsor situation, side chick and
all those other people that are willing to give it
up for literally nothing. Because there was a
not so smart wife who was told, just use sex
as a tool. Don’t worry, there is a lady that will
help you and once they go down that route,
after the first time, the rest is a piece of cake.
Hell fire will burn them but you will also be
there because you instigated it.
‘All men do this…Don’t let it happen to you.
You should…’ said all friends to their friend
Most marriages start with people being on a
cordial note but wait until you really get into
those chamas. Then it is a screw is normally
twisted in a woman’s head. You were all doing
fine until the birds started to whisper. You
need to watch the people you listen to. You
never know where a woman’s problems in her
marriage came from. And you will never know
if she is the one that started it all herself. If
things are working out, just keep your own
counsel. The less people you let in, the less
the drama.
Financial matters
I hope the two of you had a talk about money
before deciding to settle down. If you did not,
it is going to cause problems and the longer
you avoid it, the more the issues. What you
agree on is what you should stick to. Your
mother will tell you to hide stuff, works both
ways. You can hide for the family benefit. On
the other hand, hiding at times ends up badly
when bad investment decisions are made or
when you die before him and the lawyer gets
everything-because you never told anyone.
Your friend will tell you to keep your money
yours that is ambiguous because I will not lie
that I like my money being mine. That is the
best way to make sure a man does not stop
taking care of his family because he knows you
can. You can help out with the bills though.


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