Tuesday 21 June 2016


SOURCE: tuko

Former presidential aspirant Muhamed Abduba
Dida is currently a busy man working on his
political party and business ahead of the 2017
General Election.
Mohamed Abduba Dida has told Kenyans to
chose leaders with integrity and avoid those
who want to divide them.

In an interview with TUKO.co.ke, Dida remains
coy on whether he will be vying for the
presidency again, having drawn some
considerable level of attention as the only
commoner among seasoned politicians to take
a stub at the presidency in 2013.

were also gunning for the top seat.
The Alliance for Real Change (ARK) leader
and former presidential candidate criticised
Kenyan politicians spreading hate and inciting
their followers.
Abduba Dida has urged leaders to unite the
country rather than divide it.
He said that the hate speech and incitement
perpetrators were using the ignorance of their
supporters for their own selfish gain.
Dida said the politicians are taking the
advantage of the common ‘mwananchi’ as he/
she is poor knowing very well they will dance
to their tune for KSh 500 or less.
The former teacher said those politicians
spreading hate speech should fear God as he
is watching.
“Leadership is what God gives you and you
must be God fearing whether your Njoroge
or Omar,
“A wild animal has no capacity to reason and
will kick even its mother these politicians are
behaving like wild animals,” the Dida said.
Abduba Dida during the Presidential debate in
2013. Abduba Dida dazzled kenyans wit his
philosophical approcah to issues during his

TUKO.co.ke asked the former teacher if he
will be running again in 2017 and what he has
been doing after the 2013 election.
Dida said he has been on the ground with his
party the Alliance for Real Change and will
soon make his decision concerning the 2017
Dida says he wants ARK to be the party that
will unite Kenyans from all walks of life rather
than separate them.


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