Sunday 24 July 2016


In a study published in the journal Obesity,
researchers at the University of Toronto have
found that people who ate around 160 grams
of pulses every day felt 31% fuller than those
on who didn't.
In the long term, this results in weight loss, as
feeling satiated after eating may help you avoid
snacking between meals.
Lead author of the study, Dr John Sievenpiper
of St Michael's Hospital's Clinical Nutrition and
Risk Factor Modification Centre, said that 90%
of diets fail or result in weight regain because
of hunger and food cravings.
By making a pulse – beans, peas, chickpeas
and lentils – part of your daily diet, you will
benefit from their low glycaemic index (foods
that break down slowly), keeping you fuller for
Pulses also have the uncanny ability to lower
the total glycaemic index of your entire meal.
Sievenpiper's research group also found that
eating on average one serving of beans, peas,
chickpeas or lentils every day can reduce bad
cholesterol by five percent, thereby lowering
your risk of cardiovascular disease.
Sievenpiper’s systematic review and meta-
analysis included nine clinical trials involving
126 participants out of more than 2 000 papers
How much should you eat?
Researchers say 130 grams a day is sufficient.
That's just over three-quarters of a cup.
Pulses are rich in fibre and protein, which
means they're a good alternative to meat.
Since eating too much meat has recently been
linked to colorectal cancer, this sounds like a
great way to enjoy your protein without the
Remember too that combining pulses with
other plant-based protein sources, such as
cereal grains (e.g. wheat or rice), makes for a
more complete protein. A great idea is to add
some black beans or lentils to your brown rice,
or tuck into South Africa's favourite, samp and
You can also add them to salad, instead of
cheese, or replace one third of your ground
beef with kidney beans and use lentils to bulk
up your soup.
Lower consumption of pulses nowadays
The Journal of the Federation of American
Societies for Experimental Biology confirms
that, since ancient times, pulses have been
combined with cereal grains – primarily wheat,
rice, or corn, or tubers such as potato or
cassava – to provide a balanced source of
protein and carbohydrate.
Add to that seed oils, fruit and vegetables, and
you have a nutritionally adequate diet, they
Interestingly, back in the day the established
ratio of cereal grains to pulses to meet
nutritional requirements was 2:1.
However, over the last 60 years both
production and consumption patterns, globally,
have changed to 8:1.
One consequence of these changes, according
to researchers who looked at differences
among pulse grains and cereal grains in dietary
fibre, has been a marked shift in the quality of
carbohydrates we eat.
Researchers found that people who regularly
swapped a serving of white rice for one of
beans had a 35% lower chance of showing the
symptoms that usually precede diabetes.
Compared with rice, beans also contain much
more fibre, certainly more protein and they
typically have a lower glycaemic index –
meaning they induce much lower insulin
The bottom line? Ensure you include pulses in
your daily diet. They're inexpensive, and if you
don't have time to cook them, are easily
available tinned. Just be sure to rinse them
before using to get rid of added salt.


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