Tuesday 4 July 2017

IEBC disqualifies Rarieda MP candidate Augustine Adhola

Meanwhile, the commission has summoned 24 politicians fighting for various seats for violence and breach of itd code of conduct.
The politicians have been asked to appear before the IEBC Electoral Code of Conduct Enforcement Committee on July 6.
Those summoned are Migori Governor Okoth Obado and his rival running as independent Ochilo Ayacko
The electoral commission has disqualified Rarieda independent parliamentary candidate Augustine Netto Adhola from the August 8 race.
Mr Netto now becomes the first casualty in the long list of politicians who have breached the electoral code of conduct, receiving the last and final form of punishment from the IEBC: being barred from the race altogether.
SH250,000 FINE
Mr Netto had on June 22 been ordered, within 48 hours, to pay Sh250,00 fine to the commission and remove all posters and campaign materials bearing ODM colours and images of the ODM leader Raila Odinga, failure to which the IEBC warned that he will be disqualified.
“The Electoral Code of Conduct Enforcement Committee notes that the said Netto Adhola failed, neglected and ignored to obey any of the Orders or at all,” IEBC chairman Wafula Chebukati said in a statement.
Though Mr Netto had filed an appeal at the High Court to stay the execution of the punishment, Mr Chebukati said, he had lost the case on June 30 with the court affirming the decision of the electoral agency.
“In the premises, the commission has enforced the decision of the committee of June 22, 2017 and hereby directs that Augustine Netto Adhola is disqualified from contesting in the upcoming General elections 2017,” Mr Chebukati, the chair of the committee whose members are the IEBC commissioners, said in the statement.
Mr Netto’s case filed by ODM Rarieda parliamentary aspirant Erick Onyango was one of the seven cases filed with the committee.


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