Tuesday 4 July 2017


How do these winners do it? What's the secret? Is there a science (or the art) behind success in betting?
First of all, as previously mentioned, it can take some time to master the skill of making money on betting. If you're a beginner, don't be in a rush. As easy and simple as sports betting looks, you aren't likely to get things right at the start. If you do it the wrong way, you won't enjoy sports betting and you won't make money.Take your time to learn.
Here are the top tips for beginners
1. Understand as much as you can about the sport that you're betting on
An experienced player will tell you that it isn't just about how many wins the team has had during their last six or eight games. Rather, it's about how well they've been playing offensively or defensively. Have there been fights internally? Has the coach been replaced? Is the team good at home or away?
These details will help you place a good bet and predict an outcome that is as accurate as possible.
2. The one that's favorite doesn't always win
An unwritten rule that is worth considering. It however can be difficult to ignore because of the odds given.
A good example is was when Leicester City won the Premier League during the 2015/16 season. The odds of them doing it were 5000 / 1 and the favorites were Chelsea, Manchester City, Arsenal, Spurs.
Leicester City did it against all odds and yes, a lot of Kenyans made good money betting on Leicester's games, especially when they played at home during that season. The odds weren't always in their favor until towards the end of the season. They did so simply because of how Leicester was playing.
3. Don't bet emotionally. Don't bet with your heart
You love your team. You want them to win. It makes sense that they should. They are up against strong opposition but then you are convinced that because you love them, they must win. You go ahead and put a huge amount of money on them to win. Then they lose. You are depressed or even angry at yourself.
This has been the scenario of many Kenyans who didn't take their time to do their homework. Avoid betting with your heart. Use your head. You've got the Internet so have no excuse about searching for as much information as possible about the teams playing. It's all out there and it's free. Basically yours for the taking.
If you can master this, then you'll be careful and purposeful about your betting. This also includes tricky fixtures such as derby games where people tend to place bets passionately without having a wholesome look at the possible outcomes.
4. Bet with what you can afford to lose
Betting should be fun. Don't make it a matter of life and death. It's not a good idea to play with your rent or your children's school fees or other people's money. That's another sign of someone who hasn't done their homework.
Once you've sorted your expenses and aligned your budget, then you can have some fun and place your bet. This also ensures that you won't be chasing your losses.
It will also automatically answer the question, "how much should I bet?"

5. Keep good records of how you're betting
Do you want to experience betting success, long term? Then it should be wise for you to keep records of your betting.
Track the bets you're making - the odds, the result and any comments you could want to add on that particular bet.
If you keep records of your bets, it will make you more disciplined and less random. It will also assist you in keeping track of your betting profits and losses and you'll be wiser. Each result will increase your discipline in betting.
6. Think long-term and give yourself time
We're deliberately mentioning this again because it sits right up there with Oxygen when it comes to betting. Time works magic
The temptation to get rich quick is strong and people tend to think it's a real possibility. It simply doesn't happen.
Think long term. Start small and build up as you slowly increase the amount you bet on each game. Soon you'll find you're making some good money on the side and perhaps, if you persist long enough, you could hit the jackpot or make a living out of betting at the very least. A few Kenyans are doing so but they are very careful about it.
Bottom line, be responsible about your betting. Avoid trying to 'make things interesting' as that ends up being a losing strategy. With betting, you'll sometimes have good days and sometimes you'll have bad days. However, if you follow these tips, you should be able to find the best bets that give you value for your money and make a profit more often than not.


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