Wednesday 7 September 2016


Meru Governor Peter Munya has said his
life is in danger after he was blamed for
a ban on miraa flights to Somalia.
A combative Mr Munya said miraa
cartels are likely to “trail and kill him”
after Somali Ambassador to Kenya
Gamal Hassan said he was to blame for
the ban that took effect on Tuesday.
The county boss who spoke at Mituntu
Health Centre in Tigania West sub-
county on Wednesday accused the
Jubilee administration of colluding with
the Somali envoy to lie to Kenyans that
he was responsible for the impasse.
“The way my rivals are following me is
not good, now they have put me into
danger,” said Mr Munya.
“When you try to fight for miraa market
they say you are responsible for the ban.
A clear report has been given that the
reason to ban the export of miraa for
the time being is because of the Igad
meeting that is taking place in
“The ministry of Defence in Somalia put
it clearly that the Al-Shabaab had
planned to hit any plane seen in the
Mogadishu air. Now has Munya become
an Al-Shabaab?” posed the governor.


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